Many competing buffers for reef aquaria are simply sodium bicarbonate. Such buffers have a pK of only 8.0 in saltwater and simply are unable to maintain a pH above 8.0. The low buffering pK is a function of the low carbonate/bicarbonate ratio.
eight.four™ supplies a properly balanced (carbonate/bicarbonate) buffer system that yields an industry leading pK of 8.6 which makes pH maintenance of 8.3-8.5 easy. A higher pK increases the buffer’s ability to counteract inevitable acidic sources in the water. eight.four™ will safely raise marine pH while adjusting alkalinity. eight.four™ contains a concentrated, balanced blend of bicarbonate and carbonate salts designed to restore disrupted buffer systems and increase carbonate alkalinity.
If an alkalinity of 6 meq/L has been reached and a pH of at least 8.20 has not been attained, the system may be ionically unbalanced. Check magnesium levels. If magnesium is low, use ions™. However, if magnesium levels are within optimal range, the buffer ratio has likely been disrupted (the buffer ratio changes as a natural consequence of the buffer’s ability to counteract acidifying sources such as organic acids). You can raise pH without raising alkalinity using balance™.
Unlike competing products that require multi-day interval dosing when combined with carbonate supplements, eight.four™ can be dosed daily and within minutes of our calcification™ as well as balance™ and ions™
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